Enhancing Recovery from Hip Fractures with Physiotherapy

Hip fractures resulting from motor vehicle accidents (MVA) can be life-altering, causing significant pain, limited mobility, and a prolonged recovery period. These types of injuries require specialized care to ensure a comprehensive recovery. Motor vehicle accident physiotherapy in Edmonton addresses the complex needs of individuals who have sustained such injuries, focusing on pain management, mobility restoration, and overall functional improvement. MVA physiotherapy provides services that incorporate techniques and evidence-based practices to facilitate optimal healing and enhance the quality of life for those affected by hip fractures.

What is a Hip Fracture? 

It is a break in one or more of the bones comprising the hip, typically resulting from high-impact events such as motor vehicle accidents. Causes include direct trauma to the hip, severe falls, or crushing injuries. Symptoms of a hip fracture often include intense pain in the hip or groin area, discomfort in walking, swelling, bruising, and, in some cases, internal bleeding. This type of injury can significantly affect a person’s life by limiting mobility, causing chronic pain, and necessitating prolonged fracture rehab. The impact on daily activities can be profound, often requiring significant adjustments to personal and professional routines to accommodate the recovery process.

Accelerating Hip Fracture Recovery Through Physiotherapy:

Motor vehicle accident physiotherapy in Edmonton plays a huge role in the recovery process, providing specialized care tailored to the unique challenges of hip fractures.

Pain Management: 

Manual therapy, ice therapy and electrotherapy modalities are utilized to alleviate pain and reduce inflammation in the hip area.

Electrotherapy Modalities

  • Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation: A device that uses low-voltage electrical current to provide pain relief by stimulating nerves and intercepting pain signals to the brain.
  • Ultrasound Therapy: Using sound waves to penetrate deep into tissues, reducing inflammation and promoting healing by increasing blood flow to the area.
  • Electrical Muscle Stimulation (EMS): Stimulates muscle contractions to reduce muscle atrophy and pain and improve circulation.

Manual Therapy: 

Utilizing joint mobilizations, soft tissue massage, and myofascial release improves mobility and reduces pain in patients with hip fractures. Manual therapy techniques include:

  • Joint Mobilizations: Gentle movements of the hip joints to restore normal motion and reduce stiffness.
  • Soft Tissue Massage: Applying pressure to the muscles around the hip to relieve tension, improve circulation, and reduce pain.
  • Myofascial Release: Using sustained pressure on the connective tissue to alleviate pain and improve mobility in the hip region.

Strengthening Exercises: 

Focusing on strengthening the core, hip, and lower limb muscles to support the hip and improve overall stability.

  • Bridging: Lying supine on your back with knees bent, raising the hips off the ground to strengthen the glutes and lower back muscles.
  • Clamshells: Resting on your side with your knees bent, lifting the top knee while keeping the feet together to strengthen the hip abductors.

Stretching Exercises: 

Incorporating gentle stretching to maintain flexibility and prevent muscle tightness.

  • Hamstring Stretch: Sitting with one leg extended, reaching towards the toes to stretch the hamstrings.
  • Piriformis Stretch: Lying on your back, crossing one ankle over the opposite knee and softly pulling the bottom leg towards the chest to stretch the piriformis muscle.

Balance and Coordination Exercises

Enhancing proprioception and coordination is crucial for preventing falls and further injury in patients recovering from hip fractures. These exercises include:

  • Single-Leg Stands: Standing with one leg while maintaining stability for balance, gradually reducing support as strength and stability improve.
  • Balance Board or Bosu Ball Exercises: Using unstable surfaces to challenge and enhance balance and proprioception.

Gait Training

Teaching proper walking patterns ensures safe and efficient movement for patients with hip fractures. Gait training exercises include:

  • Heel-to-Toe Walking: Focusing on proper foot placement and rolling through the foot to enhance gait efficiency.
  • Step Over Obstacles: Practicing stepping over small obstacles to improve leg lifting and coordination during walking.

Functional Training: 

Engaging in exercises that mimic daily activities is essential for individuals recovering from hip fractures due to motor vehicle accidents. These exercises help restore the ability to perform everyday tasks and include:

  • Walking Drills: Practicing walking on different surfaces and inclines to improve overall mobility and confidence.
  • Car Transfer Practice: Simulating getting in and out of a car, which involves weight shifting, balance, and leg strength.


Stabilizing the hip during the healing process is crucial. Various braces are used to provide support and limit movement in patients with hip fractures, including:

  • Hip Binders: These circumferential compression devices stabilize the hip and reduce internal bleeding and pain, particularly in the acute phase of injury.
  • Hip Abduction Braces: Braces that maintain the hip in a specific position to ensure proper alignment and healing of the hip, often used post-surgery or in complex fractures.


Splinting is used to immobilize and support the hip and surrounding structures, aiding in the recovery of hip fractures:

  • Hip Splints: Custom-fitted splints designed to immobilize the hip region, ensuring stability and proper alignment during the healing process.
  • Leg Splints: This is used to immobilize the lower limbs, reduce movement, and provide additional support to the hip.

Taping Techniques: 

Taping provides additional support, reduces pain, and helps in stabilizing the hip in patients with hip fractures:

  • Kinesiology Taping: Elastic therapeutic tape is applied to the hip region to support muscles, improve circulation, and reduce pain. It can also aid in improving proprioception and stability.
  • Rigid Taping: Using non-elastic tape to provide strong support and limit movement in specific areas of the hip, helping to stabilize fractures and reduce discomfort.

Compassionate Care for Hip Fracture Recovery: 

Motor vehicle accident physiotherapy in Edmonton provides the comprehensive support necessary for optimal recovery after a car accident. This approach not only alleviates pain and promotes healing but also restores mobility and strength, enabling patients to regain their independence. Family Physiotherapy provides personalized and expert care for individuals recovering from hip fractures and is committed to guiding you through every step of your rehabilitation journey, ensuring you receive the possible outcomes.

Reach out now to learn more about our car accident physiotherapy services in Edmonton and take the first step towards a full and functional recovery.

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